“The winner focuses on making himself more diligent, creative, loyal, personable, humorous, cooperative, friendly, informed, and skillful. Over this we have complete control, and in this way take responsibility (respond with ability). We change ourselves first, so we can change what goes on out there.”

Publications & Video
Stay Put? Make a Move? is our latest publication in the UK. See the Book’s video trailer, detailed content, and picture gallery at
The Japan Times books and the 3-hour video can be ordered from TMT. On the two 2004 books, Japan True or False – People Problems, Costs, Restructuring (soft-cover, 620p, key points in Japanese, at the special discounted price of 5,000 Yen/ US$50); and Know Your Own Bone (written 1992 and time-capsuled 12 years, soft-cover, 556p, key points in Japanese, 3,000 Yen(discounted price), US$30); group discounts are available as detailed below. Click below for Table of Contents and details of book.
Stay Put? Make a Move? Chock a block with mostly fun, but some serious beer blast or cocktail party stories and facts for all…
Japan True or False 「日本のウソかホントか」)は、企業の業績向上のための本であり、企業、労働組合、政府機関、大学のリーダーたちをターゲットとしている。
Know Your Own Bone(「自分をさがす旅」)は、個人が楽しみながら有効に活用してよい結果を生み出すための本であり、会社のスタッフ、セールス、学生、家族を対象としている。
Labor Pains and the Gaijin Boss (Japan Times, 1984)
Taking Charge in Japan (Japan Times, 1990)
Striking Gold in Japan (非売品)
Sixteen Steps to Corporate Leadership and Excellence (非売品)
Why U.S. Style Downsizing/Outplacement Is the Wrong Strategy in Japan (非売品)
Strategic Tools for Managing Japanese Personnel – Local Practices, Policies and the Law (Video)
About Thomas Nevins
Thomas J. Nevins earned a B.S. in 1972 at the School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University. Fluent in Japanese, he began his career in Japan in 1972 as a researcher with Cornell and the Japan Institute of Labor (the research organ of the Ministry of Labor). Before establishing Technics in Management Transfer Inc. (TMT) in 1978, he worked as a contract consultant in a number of Japanese labor unions and companies.
Mr. Nevins was elected in 1980 as a member of the Board of Governors of the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan (ACCJ), and is a member of a number foreign chambers of commerce. Before coming to Japan, Nevins worked as a “White House Intern” in Asian Affairs at the Department of State, and did an internship at the Bureau of International Labor Affairs of the U.S. Department of Labor.
Nevins writes frequently on personnel management in Japan by contributing to books, magazines, and newspapers in Japan and abroad. He has written articles for and has been featured in most major Japanese magazines and newspapers.
Outside Japan, he has been interviewed and quoted in such publications as The New York Times, The Observer, Institutional Investor, Business Week, The Wall Street Journal, The International Herald Tribune, Fortune, and been featured on Japanese and American television.
His published books include “Passport to Japan – Businessman’ Guide” (BII, 1978), “The Complete Handbook of U.S. Personnel and Labor Relations for Japanese Corporations” (JETRO, 1980 – now out of print), “Labor Pains and the Gaijin Boss” (Japan Times, 1984), and “Taking Charge in Japan” (Japan Times, 1990). There is a seminar video, “Strategic Tools for Managing Japanese Personnel – Local Practices, Policies, and the Law” (1987).
More recent books are “Japan True or False – People Problems, Costs, Restructuring” (2004), “Know Your Own Bone” (2004 – not Japan focused but partially translated into Japanese), and “Gaijin Boss’s Power Pill”(2011). “Stay Put? Make a Move?” was published in the U.K. in July, 2016. It is a more general interest book. Video trailer, picture gallery and details on book website.