“Will the effect of your studies last? Taking a bath does not last either. But most great men and women can point to one or two insights, one or two experiences, which kindled their heart enough to allow a sustaining flame to burn. Study; and then execution”

Articles by Tom Nevins and Consultants
English Language Articles
Published articles are compiled in many other of Mr. Nevins books. See “Table of Contents” under publications section.
- Is Working in Japan a Challenge?! Institut Francais du Japon October 2017
- Doing Hard Labor in Japan ICA Japan March 2017
- Stay Put? Make a move? Eurobiz, September 2016
- Mergers & Acquisitions: Your Biggest Leverage and Trouble Comes from Bad People, Personnel Costs and Policies, and Ill-Managed Unions BCCJ Acumen, May 2012
- A Young Nation BCCJ Acumen, April 2012
- The Most Common Employee and Work Rules Questions Answered – Part 7 Success Stories, April 2012
- The Most Common Employee and Work Rules Questions Answered – Part 1 Success Stories, September 2011
- Why I’m Staying in Japan BCCJ Acumen, December 2011
- Don’t Miss the Japan Surprise Eurobiz, September 2011
- Make or Break Personnel Decisions, Eurobiz, September 2010
- People Power – 12 Ways to Keep You and Your Firm on Top in Japan, Success Stories, June 2010
- People Power – the Key to Corporate Success, Eurobiz, May 2010
- A Word (or Two) to the Wise, Eurobiz, January 2010
- How We Can Eliminate Our Search Competition search-consult, 2009
- Summarizing Search Fees and Situations in Different Markets Contributed to Grapevine, Fall 2008
- Increasing Labor Pains (Part III): Increasing Difficulties in Firing and Increasing Wage Differentials, BLCCJ Newsletter, Winter 2007, Vol. 8
- Increasing Labor Pains (Part II): Increasing Overtime Rates, BLCCJ Newsletter, Autumn 2007, Vol. 7
- More Difficult to Fire, and a Rising Mandatory Retirement Age – Part Two, Success Stories, August 2007
- Overtime Rates Go Up With the White Collar Exemption Dumped – Part One, Success Stories, June 2007
- Increasing Labor Pains (Part 1): Increasing Wage Differentials, and Increasing Retirement Ages BLCCJ Newsletter, Spring 2007
- The Danger of Standing Alone without ‘Business Support’ BLCCJ Newsletter, Spring 2006
- The Scariest Thing is Not Knowing What We Don’t Know, but We’re Not Scared at All, because We Don’t Know It ACCJ Journal, (American Chamber of Commerce in Japan), December 2005
- A Smorgasbord of Things to Know If You’re Running a Firm in Japan (Parts 1-3) Success Stories, April-May-June, 2005
- Two Potentially Troublesome Issues at your Company BLCCJ Newsletter (Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce in Japan), Winter 2004
- Trip to National Tax Agency to Cut-back a Retirement Benefit (Tokyo Weekender)
- Should Japan be rated below Botswana? (Japan Times)
- How the Game is Played (Cornell Enterprise)
- A Japan Acquisition That (Luckily) Never Closed (Success Stories Japan)
- How We Hire Well (Success Stories Japan)
- Labor on a Leash? (Management Magazine)
- People Management Is What It’s All About (Stanford University)
- Taking Charge in Japan (Canadian Chamber)
in Japanese:
- アメリカの大学生と就職 JILリサーチ
- 「対米進出企業の労務管理のすべて―採用から解雇まで―」 日本貿易振興会(ジェトロ)発行(絶版)
- なぜか改正されない職安法44条 旬刊・経理情報(中央経済社)
- インタビュー:Why Japanese Management Always Wins? インタビュアー:松本道弘 NHK英会話テキスト
- 対談:ドレス・フォー・エクセレンス インタビュアー:利根川裕 プレジデント
- FREE TALK:日本の女性と働く環境 インタビュアー:佐々木かおり Active Member
- コミュニケーションをスムースにするためにパイプ役の果たす役割は実に大きい 週刊東洋経済
- NHK英語会話ⅡⅢテキスト
- Who Says The Japanese Work Too Hard? みんなと一緒に楽しく働いている日本人 ビジネス・ビュー
- アメリカのユニオンはホントに怖いか:Can the Japanese Tame American Unions? レスター・P・スレザック、トーマス・ネビンス ビジネス・ビュー
- 外人座談会:日本のサラリーマンは幸せか―外人が見た日本の企業社会 T・カピエロ、R・ガルージ、竹内宏、トーマス・ネビンス エコノミスト
- 対談:日米スカウト事情 履歴書―その意味するもの 対談者:小林薫 コメンタリー
- 〈提言〉日本人よ 世界に住め! 週刊ダイヤモンド別冊:在日外資企業読本
- 日系米国進出企業訪問記 工場管理
- 日本人が心得ておきたいアメリカでの労使関係の法律 マネジメントガイド
- なぜ、日本は生産性が高いのか!? エルダー
- 「英語で日本を話そう―異文化時代のコミュニケーション」 小松達也著 サイマル出版会
in German:
- Gleitende Arbeitszeiten als Option? Pensionen fur Vorstandsmitglieder JapanMarkt, March 2006
- Vorsicht bei Abfindungen JapanMarkt, February 2006
- Kundigung von Personal in Japan nun schwieriger denn je JapanMarkt, September 2005
- Ruckgang der Aktienkurse veranlasst Firmen zu Anderungen in der betrieblichen Altersversorgung JapanMarkt, May 2005
- Behorden greifen durch bei Uberstunden JapanMarkt (The German Chamber of Commerce & Industry in Japan), April 2005
in French:
- N’attendez pas que la coupe soit pleine, France Japon Eco #114, Spring 2008
- Gerer son personnel: des ploblemes si humains, France Japon Eco #113, Winter 2007
- Remuneration: attention aux pieges, France Japon Eco #112, Autumn 2007
- Eviter les errerurs couteuses France Japon Eco #111, Summer 2007
- Techniques De L’Entretien France Japon Eco 110, Spring 2007
- Trouver La Bonne Personne Pour Le Bon Emploi France Japon Eco 109, Winter 2006
- Reussir son Recrutement, Reussir Son Implantation Au Japon France Japon Eco 108, Autumn 2006
- Reussir son Recrutement France Japon Eco 107 (The French Chamber of Commerce & Industry in Japan), Summer 2006
- EVITER LES ERREURS COÛTEUSES—lettres d’embauche, contrats, attribution des indemnités et allocations GESTION DU PERSONNEL—problèmes humains et problèmes financiers France Japan Eco #43, Summer 1990
- ELA MAIN D’ŒUVRE—Inventaire, planification et possibilités de recrutement TROUVER LA BONNE PERSONNE POUR LE BON EMPLOI—Faire correspondre profils et entretiens France Japan Eco #42, Spring 1990