Leo Burnett-Kyodo Company, Ltd.

Since February 1987, TMT has placed 44 people with Leo Burnett. Obviously, this has contributed greatly to our rapid success and growth in the Japanese market.

TMT is not the only recruiting firm we use, but TMT is definitely “in the market”. It is a company that has enough resources to consistently maintain a large and strong group of search consultants. This is important for it is apparently very labor-intensive work.

TMT filled many of our top key positions early on. It is a firm you can count on to continue to perform for you. They do not just do the big lucrative assignments, and leave you to struggle on your own with mid-level and lower positions.

A number of resumes have been sent each month for years. Our standards are high. When you meet the people they are not all on target. But it cannot be denied that TMT will keep plugging away for a client that has shown in the past they are serious about hiring good people.

Richard Zobel
President & Representative Director
Leo Burnett-Kyodo Company Ltd.
November, 1992